Unharm supporters played a big role in creating The Loop and the momentum to win pill testing (drug checking) in Queensland. Here’s how it happened and how it will work.
Drug policy news
Support for legalising cannabis has doubled in the last 9 years
Public poll results prove more Australians want legal cannabis.
Cannabis is legal in these countries. So, why not Australia?
Personal use of cannabis is not legal in Australia… yet. Here’s how Australia’s recreational drug laws compare to countries around the world.
Victoria’s cannabis inquiry – and you.
A deep dive into Victoria’s inquiry into cannabis use and what the report reveals about drug reform.
Berejiklian government’s response to ice inquiry close to contempt
What does the ACT election result mean for drug policy?
Greens-Labor coalition has secured another term in office after the ACT election. Will this allow the Greens to push for drug law reform?
Will the TGA make nangs illegal this year?
Nitrous oxide – also known as laughing gas or ‘nangs’ – has recently come under scrutiny with the TGA considering whether to ban it entirely.
Oregon shows decriminalisation is possible with 2 in 3 voting YES
Oregon is the first U.S. state to decriminalise personal possession for ALL drugs – it is possible.
Small steps toward decriminalisation may still be possible if NSW Premier can tamp down moral panic
There’s still hope NSW can implement positive drug reform from the Ice Inquiry.
No more arrests for personal drug use – what does decriminalisation look like?
Christian organisation Uniting has just published a detailed plan to decriminalise drug use in NSW and the ACT.