Catharine Lumby shares her honest experiences with drugs and urges us all to do the same.
Opinion pieces
If the ACT is going to decriminalise drugs, it should do it properly
We don’t fine people for alcohol consumption. Why should other drug use be any different?
Berejiklian government’s response to ice inquiry close to contempt
‘There is no stereotype’: I became an ice addict at the age of 63
Unharm director Mark Hancock shares his experience with corporate Australia, the NSW government and methamphetamine.
Politicians must find their nerve on sensible drug reform in Australia – not give in to moral panic
Reports the NSW government was considering removing penalties for personal drug use were met with the usual backlash.
Abolish ‘deemed supply’!
Deemed supply provisions conflict with core principles of Australian criminal law. Here’s why.
Time’s up Tony Wood
There is too much at stake to allow people like Tony Wood to determine how we respond to the reality of illicit drug use.