Angela’s experiences prove that drug prohibition doesn’t make sense. This is what she wants Australia’s politicians to know about drugs, and the people who take them.
What does the ACT election result mean for drug policy?
Greens-Labor coalition has secured another term in office after the ACT election. Will this allow the Greens to push for drug law reform?
Oregon shows decriminalisation is possible with 2 in 3 voting YES
Oregon is the first U.S. state to decriminalise personal possession for ALL drugs – it is possible.
No more arrests for personal drug use – what does decriminalisation look like?
Christian organisation Uniting has just published a detailed plan to decriminalise drug use in NSW and the ACT.
Will Queensland’s Labor government adopt recommendations for drug reform?
A major Queensland government body has called for the legalisation of MDMA.
Over 46 per cent of New Zealanders voted to legalise cannabis in landmark referendum
Abolish ‘deemed supply’!
Deemed supply provisions conflict with core principles of Australian criminal law. Here’s why.